Paradise-Opoly is a board game themed after the quaint mountain town of Paradise, California that was tragically devastated in the Camp Fire on November 8th, 2018. Paradise-Opoly takes the classic game mechanics of the original beloved Monopoly game and themes it around the rich history and culture of Paradise. Complete with custom metal playing pieces, re-designed houses and hotels(into miner tents and log cabins) and a vast inclusion of past and present businesses, landmarks and traditions, Paradise-Opoly is sure to appeal to both die-hard locals and the every-day mountain town lover. With a detailed information booklet included, anybody can learn about the people, places and things that made Paradise to be all that its name implies.


It had only been a week or so since the deadly Camp Fire had swept through Pulga, Concow, Paradise and Magalia. My family had already found out days ago all of our homes were completely destroyed. The same went for most family, friends and the rest of the community. We were in a neighboring town at my grandmothers house which was the only close family member that still had a home in the area. Four families were now staying there with nowhere else to go. I had pulled out a game of monopoly to see if anyone wanted to play and get our minds off the current affairs. Reluctantly, my neices opted to play and soon my sister and mom joined in as well. It wasn't long before we were trading properties, vying for board space and having our typical monopoly fun. In the midst of that joy my mind drifted back to Paradise and I thought how cool it would be to have a Monopoly game detailed after our beautiful town that now needed memorializing. Something done right. From the heart. I knew this would be something people would need.

Paradise-Opoly was originally thought up as an emotional response to an incalculable loss. In the wake of that loss there are incredible amounts of love, generosity and need. In 2018 California’s most destructive wildfire ripped through Paradise, California leaving almost nothing in its path. With over 14,000 homes destroyed, and far too many precious lives lost, Paradise would sadly never be the same again. Residents were displaced all over the country. This tight knit community that nestled under the trees was now spread far and wide. It slowly became clear that it would take years for most people to return home, if ever at all, again. With many households uninsured or under insured coupled with the rising cost of lumber, contractors and California infrastructure it is simply not an option to rebuild for so many.